1. CIDB Legislation
2. Eligibility for Registration
3. Application for Registration
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4. Processing of Application
5. Issuance of Certificate
6. Renewal of Certificate
After effecting the required payment(s), the Applicant will be issued with a certificate of registration with terms and conditions attached. The certificate shall be valid for 2 years.
(i) At least one month prior to the expiry of the certificate, the holder of the certificate is required to apply for renewal and pay a renewal fee of MUR 4,000. Thereafter he will be issued with a new certificate.
(ii) In case the holder of a certificate applies for renewal after the expiry of the period of validity of the certificate, but within 30 days thereof, he will be required to pay a surcharge of 25% of the renewal fee. No processing fee is chargeable at time of renewal.
(iii) A registration certificate shall lapse within 30 days of the expiry of its validity. Hence, a person wishing to register with the CIDB, has to re-apply for registration and pay the appropriate fees.
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