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Disclaimer for ISOR

It must be borne in mind that rates and prices for works are heavily dependent upon prevailing market and site conditions, commercial considerations by prospective bidders, nature and complexity of works, extent of works involved as well as the risks to be borne by the contractor in executing such works.

The indicative rates produced by the CIDB do not, and cannot, fully encompass all such requirements. These rates must therefore be used with extreme care and caution by end users. Advice from suitably qualified construction industry professionals must be sought whenever bid prices or budget estimates are being prepared.

It is hoped nonetheless that these indicative rates would prove useful as an initial guide for estimating project costs, provided that necessary adjustments are made to the relevant rates to reflect contractors’ risks and project specific requirements. The indicative rates produced by the CIDB are not in any way binding upon end users, who may or may not use them as they deem fit. End users shall consequently be entirely free to come up with their own rates and prices for bidding or budget purposes.

Neither the CIDB nor its employees assume any liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence or liability for any consequential loss, resulting from the use of or reliance upon these indicative.

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